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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Second Remicade Infusion Completed...

Well Everyone,

My second Remicade infusion has been completed, and I was absolutely exhausted immediately afterwards.  However, I would rather be exhausted than in pain ANY day ;)  The process was the same as the first infusion, but this time I had a lot riding on my reaction to this particular infusion...this weekend happens to be our 6th wedding anniversary, and my over-achieving husband always takes me away to one of our two favorite hotels to shop, relax, eat, and have together time!  I was praying the entire time to have more energy after this infusion than the last, and it worked ;)  I will say that since I have started Remicade, my blood pressure has been elevated, so I'm not sure it that is a side effect, but I plan on mentioning it to my PCP this week.

I also had a chance to workout on thursday morning, I used my Zumba Rush game for Xbox 360 Kinect for 1 hour and 14 minutes, and I burned 872 calories...INSANE!  My heart rate stayed within my zone 3 (180-197)  for 53 minutes.  I definitely felt my heart rate begin to increase during the warm-up phase, and during the warm-up portion my heart rate was at 155.  I think it is so amazing how our bodies compensate and work like a well oiled machines.  Supposedly you can calculate your target heart rate zone for workouts by using the following:

Maximum Heart Rate

  • Subtract your age from 220, 220 - 30 = 190 (This should be my maximum heart rate)
Lower End of your Heart Rate Workout Zone
  • Multiply your Maximum Heart Rate by 0.7, 190 x 0.7 = 133 (This should be my lower limit)
Upper End of your Heart Rate Workout Zone
  • Multiply your Maximum Heart Rate by 0.85, 190 x 0.85 = 161.5 (This should be my upper limit)

My target heart rate zone = 133bpm - 161.5bpm
My maximum heart rate during any workout should not exceed 190bpm

According to my actual measured (as opposed to the calculated) heart rate mentioned above, I was exercising outside of my maximum heart rate for a long period of time on thursday, as I spent at least 53 minutes with my heart rate between 188 - 195bpm.  I'm sure the calculation is just that, "a calculation", meaning it can be off by a few numbers in either direction.  However, I did use the Polar FT60 heart monitor watch to measure my heart rate during the entire 1hr and 14min workout, and I'm very happy with my calorie burn of 872 as measured by thewatch :)  This watch comes in handy when you are really serious about getting the most burn for your workout time.  Here are a few pictures of the Polar FT60 heart rate monitor watch.  They come in a few different colors, but I chose purple for Crohn's Disease, and it matched my workout shoes!

This watch is AWESOME, and I would definitely recommend it, not just for show, but for health reasons so you never over work your heart while exercising.

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