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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Monistat 1, 3, or 7...that is the question?

I have finally decided against the usage of ALL 1-day yeast infection treatments!  Just to clarifythis change has only come about due to the horrible discomfort I have experienced on many occasions while using the 1-day yeast infection treatments.  In addition, I have NEVER noticed such discomfort during the usage of 3, 5, or 7-day yeast infection treatments, and to be honest; only some of the 1-day yeast infection treatments have resulted in discomfort.  So, what does this mean and how can we avoid such discomfort?   Welll

Yeast infections, also known as Candidiasis is common among females who are pregnant, diabetic, or taking antibiotics or oral contraceptives.  Yeast infections are also considered as an opportunistic infection because Fungi utilize the opportunity presented by the body such as a weakened immune system to provide the perfect environment for normal flora (such as yeast) to overgrow.  At the point of overgrowth, the infection has caused you to be irritable, itchy, and out right uncomfortable.  Whats the first thing we do?  We rush to the nearest store to purchase the best yeast infection treatment that will relieve our symptoms as soon as possible.  Andwhich medications do we usually reach for firstany one that screams its ability to relieve the discomfort in the shortest period of application time.  Those options usually include:

Monistat 1-Day or Night Ovule

Monistat 1-Day Prefilled Cream Ointment

Miconazole 1-Day or Night

When selecting a yeast infection medication I tend to look for the treatments that offer the following attributes:
  • 1-day option, with
  •  ovule medication

A 1-day option is important because I detest having to insert a messy medication every night, besides the fact that prolonging application time can limit intimacy!  An ovule option is important because it can be taken anytime during my busy schedule, and it appears to not be as messy as the cream or ointment options.  However, choosing the ovule form may be partially to blame for the excessive discomfort that begins shortly after insertion.

Some of the options available for yeast infection relief include the following.

Brand Names
Generic Name
Active Ingredient
Active Ingredient Strength
Miconazole Nitrate
Monistat-1 Day Prefilled Ointment
300mg at bedtime
Monistat 3
200mg/per night for 3 nights
·      Ointment
·      Ovules
·      Prefilled cream applicators
Monistat 7
100mg/per night for 7 nights
·      Ovules
·      Cream
·      Prefilled cream applicators
Clotrimazole 3


Not available
Clotrimazole 7


50mg/per night for 7 nights
Miconazole 1 Day/Night

Usually I go for ANY 1-day option which means I never really read the labels...which resulted in my using the Monistat 1 pre-filled cream applicator (at 300mg) on numerous occasions without issues.  By the time I needed yeast infection medication again, the forms had changed to what we know now as ovules or suppositories at a much stronger strength of 1200mg.  As you can see in the table above, there may be a relationship between the 1-day day/night ovule medications and the active ingredient strength being 1200mg.

I'm not sure why any manufacturer would think that applying 1200mg of an antifungal to already irritated and inflamed skin would be a good idea, but it exists, and if you don't read carefully when choosing a yeast infection medication you will absolutely set your vagina on fire!!!!!  These medications cause intense burning, and itching to the point that sitting still is not an option!  There is no better way for me to articulate the absolute pain and discomfort you could experience.

I have found myself in this situation on more than one occasion, and the best advice I can give is to:

  1.      read the labels carefully for the medication strengths,
  2.      keep in mind that a 1-day day/night ovule medication may be 1200mg in strength,
  3.           keep in mind that there are 1-day medications in other forms to choose from, and
  4.           choose the medication that is <1200mg per application. 

If you happen to run across a yeast infection medication that works for you, its a good idea to have a few around the house in case you need it right away.  Most times when I go to the store for yeast infection medication, the type that I need is never available.  So, I purchase my medication online via,,, etc.  The worst scenario is being uncomfortable from a yeast infection and not having the medication to minimize the discomfort.  What's worse is being uncomfortable and not being able to pin point the source.  Monistat has a pretty reliable vaginal health test that can pin point the cause of your discomfort (yeast, bacterial, etc.).

Monistat Vaginal Health Test

However, if you find yourself using one of the 1200mg medications try to shower with less than hot water and allow the water to calm the situation.  Whatever you do, DO NOT scratch the irritated area.  Keep in mind that the discomfort does not usually start right away, but once it starts it can take up to an hour to calm down.  In my opinion, most 3 day ovule or suppository yeast infection medications are strong enough to treat yeast infections without causing additional intense discomfort.  Besides, having a yeast infection is uncomfortable enough, there is no need to add insult to injury!  I hope this post has been helpful.  Please feel free to comment and follow ;)


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