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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Second Remicade Infusion Completed...

Well Everyone,

My second Remicade infusion has been completed, and I was absolutely exhausted immediately afterwards.  However, I would rather be exhausted than in pain ANY day ;)  The process was the same as the first infusion, but this time I had a lot riding on my reaction to this particular infusion...this weekend happens to be our 6th wedding anniversary, and my over-achieving husband always takes me away to one of our two favorite hotels to shop, relax, eat, and have together time!  I was praying the entire time to have more energy after this infusion than the last, and it worked ;)  I will say that since I have started Remicade, my blood pressure has been elevated, so I'm not sure it that is a side effect, but I plan on mentioning it to my PCP this week.

I also had a chance to workout on thursday morning, I used my Zumba Rush game for Xbox 360 Kinect for 1 hour and 14 minutes, and I burned 872 calories...INSANE!  My heart rate stayed within my zone 3 (180-197)  for 53 minutes.  I definitely felt my heart rate begin to increase during the warm-up phase, and during the warm-up portion my heart rate was at 155.  I think it is so amazing how our bodies compensate and work like a well oiled machines.  Supposedly you can calculate your target heart rate zone for workouts by using the following:

Maximum Heart Rate

  • Subtract your age from 220, 220 - 30 = 190 (This should be my maximum heart rate)
Lower End of your Heart Rate Workout Zone
  • Multiply your Maximum Heart Rate by 0.7, 190 x 0.7 = 133 (This should be my lower limit)
Upper End of your Heart Rate Workout Zone
  • Multiply your Maximum Heart Rate by 0.85, 190 x 0.85 = 161.5 (This should be my upper limit)

My target heart rate zone = 133bpm - 161.5bpm
My maximum heart rate during any workout should not exceed 190bpm

According to my actual measured (as opposed to the calculated) heart rate mentioned above, I was exercising outside of my maximum heart rate for a long period of time on thursday, as I spent at least 53 minutes with my heart rate between 188 - 195bpm.  I'm sure the calculation is just that, "a calculation", meaning it can be off by a few numbers in either direction.  However, I did use the Polar FT60 heart monitor watch to measure my heart rate during the entire 1hr and 14min workout, and I'm very happy with my calorie burn of 872 as measured by thewatch :)  This watch comes in handy when you are really serious about getting the most burn for your workout time.  Here are a few pictures of the Polar FT60 heart rate monitor watch.  They come in a few different colors, but I chose purple for Crohn's Disease, and it matched my workout shoes!

This watch is AWESOME, and I would definitely recommend it, not just for show, but for health reasons so you never over work your heart while exercising.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Hali's just hanging out these days

Hey Everyone,

Hali (my hair) has been being a real trooper lately.  She has just been hanging out and going with whichever moisturizer or styling gel I place on her.  I will say that with hot weather, I have had to utilize my Oyin Hair Dew almost everyday in order to keep her moisturized, and I have just started to use KCCC when I know it's extra humid outside, since it keeps away the frizz. Here are a few pictures of her.  I just placed color in her about two weeks ago, and this happens to be my favorite color.

She's been GREAT for me lately...I love being natural, especially since I workout sooooo much ;)
Shoot me any questions, can't wait to hear from you ;)

Health & Wealth

Finally done writing papers...

Good Morning Everyone,

I apologize for not being able to make any new posts sooner.  I have been inundated with papers to write this week.  However, with my last paper until the fall semester done...I have free reign to blog away :)  I even skipped out on working out for the past two days due to papers being due, and would you believe that my body is kicking my butt for it now?  Not so much yesterday, but today I was really exhausted towards the middle of the day, and by the evening my head was killing me.  I had my mother-in-law check my BP and it was higher than usual 140/ normal is usually 110/70!  So this could mean two things:

  1. I'm stressed and need to calm down, and drink some water in case I'm inadvertently dehydrating my self.
  2. My body is telling me enough is's time to crank this healthy lifestyle plan in to HIGH gear!
I'm going to go with number 2!  I have never ever had BP problems until I gained weight, so problem solved ;)  So, what's my plan for tomorrow...
  1. Allow Jillian Michaels to kick my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Allow Zumba to kick my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
With those two on my side I can't lose!

I will be very dedicated to MyFitnessPal in order to keep track of my eating.  It's weird, there are days I'm CRAZY hungry, and then there are days where I have to make myself eat.

I have been working on a post regarding women multi-tasking during sex, so keep an eye should interesting ;)

Please comment, follow, ask questions, or just plain out say "hey" :)

Health & Wealth

Monday, June 24, 2013

Update on Alabu Soap

I have had the opportunity to try an additional soap formula from Alabu, and I love it.  I initially clung on to their Tea Tree bar of soap because I needed a cleaner that would clear up body acne from workouts with excessive sweating.  The Tea Tree soap definitely cleared up my acne, but in the process it dried out other very sensitive areas.  There had come a point where the Tea Tree soap was drying out the skin around my outer private area, and that was very uncomfortable and itchy.  I knew I needed to try another soap for everyday use and keep the Tea Tree soap for heavy workout days.  We tried Alabu’s:

  • Oats and Honey soap – calms our son’s eczema patches and itchiness
  • Sara’s formula – sensitive enough to be used over the entire body numerous times a day, and the    best part is that it continues to moisturize your skin with each usage.  After a shower, my skin does not feel dry or like it wants to crack.  My skin is very moisturized, soft, and smooth after using only two bars of this soap.  Also, I was concerned about the workout acne I had begun to accumulate on my buttocks...I had no idea that this soap would clear it up, but it did, and resulted in extra moisturized and smooth skin.
So, long story short, the Tea Tree soap may be better used for acne break outs, or for a patron with very oily skin, but not daily as it has the potential to dry out your skin.  The Oats and Honey would be great for everyday usage, especially for those with a dry skin condition such as eczema, because it’s calming and moisturizing.  Sara’s formula is very good for everyday usage especially for those patrons with extra dry skin + sensitive skin.  All in all, this company does an exceptional job with their natural products, and I will always shop with them.

Check them out here Alabu Skin Products

Health & Wealth

Friday, June 21, 2013

First Remicade Infusion

My first Remicade infusion was great!  There were no complications, and my husband was there to hold my hand the entire time!  When we arrived, I was greeted with financial documents to sign as each Remicade infusion costs close to $6,500...WOW!  Thank God for health insurance, and also the new RemiStart program where you complete an application and become approved for the usage of a discounted infusion rate.  With RemiStart approval, each infusion will cost you $50, instead of what ever your insurance company states is your responsibility to pay.  In my case, I would have owed my infusion center $650 for my first infusion.  However, with RemiStart I will only pay $50 for each infusion for the next year.  At the end of each year, you have to re-apply for the program.

After paperwork and bracelet placement, we were escorted back to our room, where the infusion would take place.  I was given pre-medication, an IV was started, and the Remicade began simultaneously with fluids.  All together the process may have taken 3 hours, but I was very tired and exhausted towards the end of the infusion, and almost achy.  By the time we made it home, I was clearly exhausted and wanted nothing more than sleep!

My second infusion is approaching, and it has been said that the second infusion is the point where difficulties are encountered if there will be any to encounter.  So we shall see :)

If there is anyone you know that may need or happen to know someone else who is taking or thinking about taking Remicade for an illness, please share this RemiStart link with them.  This website will give them the information they need in order to apply for the discount program.

Health & Wealth

GiGi's Professional Brazilian Hard Wax System

Well Everyone, I have officially tried my new at home was kit, and its AWESOME.  Of course, my husband had to help me with the area I could not reach, but the wax cleans your hair away like "no other"!  We just watched the dvd that came along with the kit, and I had a lot of experience with Brazilian waxes as I used to go to a spa to them every 6-8 weeks.  There is nothing like being able to groom oneself at home while saving money :)  I'm sure I will have saved us close to $400 a year by purchasing this kit instead of going to the spa.

I will say that if there was anything I would change about the kit, it would be the number of application sticks that come in kit, and I would also include an oil like Azulene oil (it removes left over wax very easily).  All in all this was an EXCELLENT buy :)

Health & Wealth

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My first week of getting back on track!

I have to get back on track with my weight, so I'm at a healthy weight again ;)  Right now, I'm sweating unnecessarily and my clothes don't fit the way they used to???? So, I have put together my workout plan for my first week back at it...these plans are usually right on target for my weight loss :)

To start off my first 2 weeks I will ease into things with Jillian's:

Monday - EXTREME SHED & SHRED (45 minutes) + Killer Abs (30 minutes) = 1hr 15min
Wednesday - BANISH FAT, BOOST METABOLISM (40 minutes) + BUNS & THIGHS DVD (30 minutes) = 1hr 10min
Friday - EXTREME SHED & SHRED (45 minutes) + Killer Abs (30 minutes) = 1hr 15min

This way I get the most for my workouts with cardio to start and ease into toning while fat is still burning!

To start off my 3rd week I will progress into things with Jillian's:

Monday - EXTREME SHED & SHRED (45 minutes) + Killer Abs (30 minutes) = 1hr 15min
Tuesday - BANISH FAT, BOOST METABOLISM (40 minutes) + BUNS & THIGHS DVD (30 minutes) = 1hr 10min
Wednesday - EXTREME SHED & SHRED (45 minutes) + Killer Abs (30 minutes) = 1hr 15min
Thursday - BANISH FAT, BOOST METABOLISM (40 minutes) + BUNS & THIGHS DVD (30 minutes) = 1hr 10min
Friday - EXTREME SHED & SHRED (45 minutes) + Killer Abs (30 minutes) = 1hr 15min

**QUICK NOTE - at any moment I will alter my plan in order to comply with the needs of my body and diet.

I'm also going easy with my meals this week, with:

Breakfast - Jillian's Greek Yogurt Crunch with Quinoa Crunch and Berries (see recipe on my blog)
Lunch - Fruit smoothie with whey protein (will be posting to blog)
Dinner - a meat and a vegetable
Snacks - fruit (grapes, and mangoes are my favorite)

To prevent over eating or eating when bored, I chew Orbitz Sweet Mint gum!

I hope this gives some of you a place to start workout wise, as this combination will yield AWESOME results!

Health and Wealth,

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New Healthy Breakfast Recipe

Hey Everyone,

I have come across a delicious breakfast parfait type of recipe from Jullian Michaels.  Yesterday morning was the first time I tried it, and it was delicious.  It is called the Greek Yogurt Crunch with Quinoa Crunch and Berries.  Below you will find the recipe.

Greek Yogurt Crunch with Quinoa Crunch and Berries

Makes: about 2 cups of crunch, equally 8 servings total

Ingredients for Quinoa Crunch:
  1. 1 cup quinoa
  2. 1/4 cup flaxseed
  3. 1 tablespoon honey
  4. 1 tablespoon olive oil

Ingredients for Greek Yogurt Cup: (1 serving)
  1. 1/2 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt
  2. 2 tablespoons Quinao Crunch
  3. 1/2 cup fresh blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries or a mixture
  4. 1/2 teaspoon honey
  1. Preheat oven to 375
  2. Place quinoa in mesh strainer and rinse until the water runs clear.
  3. Drain the quinoa well.
  4. Transfer quinoa to a medium mixing bowl.
  5. Add flaxseed, honey, and olive oil.
  6. Mix well.
  7. Spread mixture over a baking pan in a thin layer.
  8. Bake until lightly browned for 10-15 minutes, and stir it once.
  9. Place crunch on a plate for cooling, and store in a airtight container for up to 1 week.
  10. Place the yogurt in a small bowl, and top with quinoa crunch and the berries.
  11. Drizzle honey over the mix and serve.
I hope you enjoy it :)

This recipe is from Jillian Michaels the Mastery of Your Metabolism Cookbook

Should we wax or shave our "Candy Box"?

In my opinion, I will always vote for waxing the vagina, as it creates a very clean and smooth feeling afterwards, and it tends to last longer than shaving.  Also, waxing pulls the hair out of the follicle instead of cutting the hair off at skin level as with shaving.

I choose to Brazilian wax, which is the waxing of the hair from the front all the way to the anus.  It does not mean you will be completely bald, because you can opt to retain a landing strip on the front. I choose this type of hair removal for a few reasons:
  • I feel more clean
  • It's more comfortable
  • It is very convenient , as someone else has to actually provide the service while I relax
  • It makes me feel sexy and well kept 
  • It hurts less the more you do it
  • My hair grows back thinner each time
  • It prevents me from getting ingrown hairs
  • It prevents yeast and bacterial infections in that area
When I used to shave I would instantly get razor bumps, with itching and swelling along the shaved area.  As soon as the hair began to grow back, I would have extreme itching sessions...VERY EMBARRASSING!

Finding facilities that provide Brazilian waxes are easy to find.  However, they all are not sanitary nor are they all licensed to provide such services.  I would only go to a licensed aesthetician, and always watch to make sure that the aesthetician does not double dip (use the same stick for the entire process) in the wax.  Each distribution of wax should be done with a new clean wooden applicator.  When selecting a facility for your wax, take this in to consideration:
  • The facility itself should be a salon or spa, and it should be clean (presentation is EVERYTHING)
  • Ask if the waxing technician is a licensed aesthetician
  • Make sure the technician has the ability to use hard wax, as it does not hurt as much because it sticks to your hair and not your skin
  • Try not to use strip paper wax, as it hurts more and really irritates your skin
I have found that there are a few things one needs when getting Brazilian waxes frequently:
  • Baby powder to prime your skin prior to waxing
  • Tweezers to pull any stubborn hairs
  • A large mirror to see all angles
  • Jumbo cotton balls to apply products after your waxing
  • Parissa Azulene oil to remove left over wax and to moisturize the waxed skin
  • An astringent, such as Tend Skin or witch hazel to prevent ingrown hairs or to prevent infection from ingrown hairs
I used to go to a spa every 6-8 weeks for my waxing and spend on average between $50-$85 for my Brazilian waxes.  However, since I have stopped working and my husband and I are trying to become more economical with our spending, I chose a home wax kit, and it's AWESOME.  The name of the kit is GiGi Brazilian Waxing Kit, 14 ounces.  I purchased it from for about $31.  

This kit comes with everything you would need, including a warmer.  Be sure to always view any and all dvd's that may be included with this kit, as it will help you familiarize yourself with the product as well as prevent you from getting burned from extremely hot wax.

Here is a picture of the Parissa Azulene Oil:

This oil is such a life saver, it instantly removes any and all wax that may be left over in your hair or on your skin without much rubbing at all. It costs about $7 on

You also want a pair of tweezers that are effective in pulling out left over coarse or stubborn hairs, so you are not left tugging at your sensitive skin for lone hairs.  You can purchase the tweezers alone from Sephora for $28. Here is a picture of the eyebrow set that includes a pair of very effective tweezers:

So, after reading this...will you be shaving or waxing the time you have to make the choice?

Health & Wealth

Awaiting Remicade

Hey Everyone,

I am still Remicade free!  Due to a few set backs I 'm not scheduled to get my first infusion until Friday, and I'm scared shitless.  Luckily we have an appointment scheduled with my PCP an hour prior to my infusion.  So, I will be able to ask him any last minute questions pertaining to the infusion.  I'm most concerned about my systemic reaction during the infusion, and getting home afterwards with additional pain or headaches not knowing which medication to take for it or having not having that certain medication in my possession.  I would hope that my PCP has included pre-medication medication to avoid nausea and head aches during and after the infusion.  I will say that the side effect a fear the most is a migraine exacerbation.

Random question, but did anyone know that the cost of one Remicade infusion costs $5,000.00, which is why my prescription for it had to pre-authorized by mt prescription company.  I have heard so many stories regarding patients first infusion reactions starting from the infusion and leading to the next infusion appointment.  I have a personal nurse through my health insurance that specializes in Crohn's disease and her recommendations were to rest tremendously for the next two days after an infusion, as I will be extremely tired.  She also mentioned achy joints, and numerous flu-like symptoms.  I also hear that the infusion can run from 2-4 hours depending on the patients reaction.

After my infusion I will post my reaction to it and how I am responding afterwards.

Health and Wealth :)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Embarking on the usage of Remicade

Hey Everyone,

If you couldn't tell from the title, my husband and I have decided to give Remicade a chance at placing my Crohn's disease in remission, as I have been battling my symptoms for the past year and 11 months. So, it will be 2 years in July that I have been actively battling Crohn's with multiple trips to the hospital and different specialists.  My diagnosis was given in July of 2011, but numerous GI doctors after that time "are not impressed", as they say with the information provided to them through my symptoms, blood tests, stool tests, etc that I actually have Crohn's disease.  My initial GI doctor that diagnosed me is a world re-knowned GI physician that works with Johns Hopkins.  Now, just for clarification just because he works for and with Johns Hopkins that does mean that I automatically believe everything he says.  After much research of his background and independent projects he has initiated regarding GI diseases, along with his bedside manner, and unending dedication to my health and wellness, my family and I have decided that he is the GI doctor for us.  He is always available, and he has an AWESOME assistant that I can contact at any time, and she responds to my emails ASAP, usually within 10 minutes!

My symptoms have ranged from vomiting/diarrhea, nausea, migraines, achy joints, fever, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, no appetite, weight loss, weight gain, rectal pain and pressure, bloody stools, etc.  My blood work has shown numerous things ranging from very low vitamin D, and higher than usual ASCA levels (which is usually indicative of Crohn's disease).  My biopsy showed Crohn's ileitis of the terminal ileum.  You would think that such a biopsy would be enough for other physicians to rely on for a diagnosis.  However, I went to a near by hospital for emergency care pertaining to my Crohn's disease, and the GI doctors on staff told my husband and I that I did not have Crohn's disease according to the blood work they had run during my visit.  They definitely did not take my word for it or the fact that my GI doctor from Hopkins had already diagnosed me!  This sent my husband and I fro a second opinion, and needless to say the second opinion doctor thought I had Crohn's disease from the information he was provided, but he wanted his pathologist to re-read my biopsy report...we never heard back from that GI doctor!

We re-entered the treatment conversation with my original GI doctor, and here we are...ready to begin Remicade treatment on the 10th of June!  I am very happy about our decision to try Remicade, as I have been suffering for almost 2 years now.  Yes, there are many dangerous side effects and adverse reactions, but these days all medications come with these issues.  However, Remicade and other TNF drugs have been linked to a deadly Lymphoma.  This deadly Lymphoma has been seen in a some children, and elderly that have received TNFs.  We are a point in my illness where we have to weigh our options, and to us my quality of life is more important than my quantity of life, if and when we have to choose.  I will be posting after my first infusion, and through out my journey with Crohn's disease.  I want to continue to remind everyone that Crohn's is a chronic disease, but it does not define you.  the manner in which you combat the illness and your daily stressors defines you ;)

Health and Wealth,

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Summer's Eve Feminine Products

Ever had that moment where you needed to clean-up fast, but the only thing you had access to was hard toilet paper?  In your mind you are thinking:

  • "This toilet paper is not going to cut it"
  • "I'm not going to be able to get everything off with this"
  • "I need something wet, like NOW"
  • "The smell is still going to be there"
Well ladies, I have been using Summer's Eve cleansing wipes for over five years, and I absolutely love them!  Now, just remember everything in moderation.  You don't want to over-due the usage of the wipes as the main purpose of the wipes are to take away smell causing bacteria.  However, some of that smell causing bacteria is needed in order to keep the normal flora of bacteria in our vaginal area at an equilibrium.  For example, cleaning our vagina's too much with any cleanser can lead to yeast infections, as there will be no other bacteria in that area to keep the yeast under control.  I have also found that the purple colored (Delicate Blossom) cleansing clothes and wipes are the most delicate for my skin.  There are times that Delicate Blossom is not available and my fall back scent is pink or Simply Sensitive.  

I use the cleansing clothes and wash.  The wash usually lasts me for awhile, as I only use it in my vaginal area, not my entire body.  The wipes aren't so lucky, as I use them more often especially during menstruation, after intercourse if I'm not in the mood to shower, and after any strenuous activity if I'm unable to get to a shower.  Now, some women may like the individually wrapped clothes, but my favorite are the soft packs, they are packaged like travel baby wipes.  They appear to thicker and easier to use.  I also found that the wipes are good for wiping and/or cleaning your underarms when in a rush, and the cleansing wash is great to place on your underarms when bathing, allow it to soak there while you clean the rest of your body, and go over your underarms last.  This enables the cleanser to clean away the smell causing bacteria under your arms, and prevents any type of left over smell or deodorant build-up.

Hope this helps some of you, please post your experiences or and wealth to all!

Check them out at Summer's Eve Products

Skin Care Products

On another note, I was having some issues with my face being very sensitive, as I have eczema all year round (it causes flaking, dry skin around my mouth and even makes those areas lighter if I don't address the issue properly), and I get pimples prior to menstruation.  I have been using natural products for my family's skin care needs for the past four years, and we all love them.  We have been using:

  • Evan Healy for our facial needs:
    • I use the "Blemish treatment" set
    • My husband uses the "Blue treatment" set
    • Check them out at Evan Healy
  • Alabu soap for our entire body needs:
    • We all use the "Tea Tree Ultra-moisturizing & Soothing Goat Milk Soap"
      • It keeps our eczema, and skin irritations from frequent exercise under control
      • It is also very good for very sensitive skin, which all three of us have
      • I also use their "Facial Moisturizer" for my facial eczema
      • They have so many different soaps to choose from depending on one's skin conditions
      • Check them out at Alabu Soap
  • Oyin Handmade for skin moisturizer needs:
    • We all use the "Whipped Pudding"
      • Its moisturizing abilities for the skin are ridiculously amazing!
      • I originally purchased it for our hair, but it works better for our skin, and it can even be used on your face (I use it on my 5 year olds face and body everyday)
      • Check them out at Oyin Handmade
  • Azulene Oil after a female waxing:
    • It calms and moisturizes that delicate skin
    • It also painlessly removes any left over wax
    • Check it out at Azulene Oil
  • Tend Skin is used by my husband for his face after shaving:
    • It prevents African American men from getting in-grown hairs on their face after shaving
    • It works wonderfully
    • He has been using it for years now
    • Just beware of its smell!
    • Check it our at Tend Skin Home page, and Tend Skin on
I hope this product list can help some of you, as it took me a while of trial and error to get to this point.  Hopefully I can save some of you some time :)  Please email me or post any questions you may have, or experiences with these products.  Please remember that these products work well for me and my family and may not work well for everyones skin types.

Hali's New Stage

Hey Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my energy level has been consumed with school work!  Fortunately I just finished four classes, with two more to go before I start my Nurse Practitioner program in the spring :)  Lately my hair has been on strike because I have not been able to wash it or detangle it as much.  I'm not sure if my hair is changing because of the weather change, or because of my limited care.  At any rate it is growing very well and I am relying very heavily on my Oyin Hair Dew.  I use it every morning now, because my hair is becoming more dry than usual and I am experiencing more knots than usual too :(.  I'm sure I can just give it a deep conditioning and it will bounce back, I just have not had the opportunity.  After I wash and condition this week I will post an updated picture of Hali (my hair).  Are any other natural hair goers experiencing hair changes with the weather? I'd love to hear from you...and hear how you are handling it!  Health and wealth to all :)